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Botox Vs. Filler


Updated: Apr 12, 2022

What is right for you?

Have you been interested in a self care procedure, but you are unsure what it is that you need? Let me help you understand what may work better for you. Let's start with Botox, also known as Xeomin, Nuceiva and Dysport. All of these are neuromodulators or neurotoxins, which simply means that they relax or paralyse the muscle that causes movement. This causes the wrinkles that are caused by movement to fade over time. Let's say you have a very expressive face, you raise your eyebrows or frown a lot, the best thing you could do is get neuromodulators, these will work both in your 20's as preventative as well as in your 50's and 60's and anywhere in between. Neuromodulators will not always completely take away your wrinkles it may take more than one session for that but they will drastically improve them. Neuromodulators or wrinkle relaxers laso help with sebum production and excessive sweating on the area treated, they will decrease acne and blackheads.

Now let's talk filler, there are many many reasons to get filler YAY! So if you are here for an excuse for yourself or your significant other here you go. Let's start with why someone would need filler. As we mature, gravity likes to take its toll on us, and unfortunately the fat pads on our faces begin to move down, this causes areas of emptiness in place of where they were. this created hollowness under our eyes and on our temples as well as a heady crease from our nose to our chin us injectors will call it the nasolabial fold. our jowls appear heavier as well in this instance. So what can be done to prevent this? Face yoga? No, unfortunately there is nothing that will prevent aging, but the good news is we can help by slowing down time. We can use filler (or PRP, but that's another blog) to fill those hollow areas and create structure to replace the fat pads and create lift.

However filler can also enhance parts of your face that are not as full as you want them, even in your youth (19+ of course). At Aesthetics by Kat, I strive to make you feel your most beautiful you. Just because you were not blessed with plump juicy lips at birth doesn't mean you can't have them. Filler can help with facial balance and create the golden ratio, also known as the golden section, golden mean, or divine proportion, in mathematics. This golden ratio was initially discovered by Leonardo DaVinci, and is clearly demonstrated by the Mona Lisa, with her plump, childlike face. With this said, we approach men and women very differently, men and women have a different "golden ratio". This will all be discussed in your consultation and visits.

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